Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Scapbook Entry 3: Before and after pictures

Before and after pictures

The two pictures shown depict two Coca-Cola cans. On the first picture they are still closed and on the second one they just have been opened. By taking a closer look at the second picture one might still be able to see a slight sign of fog rising up from the cans directly the moment after their opening. I call it the "ghost" of the can who finally gets set free.

The picture was taken at a turkish fast-food restaurant called "Yuffka" in Heidelberg, Germany.
Every time I go there with my friends we always eat the same food, namly a yuffka, some kind of wrap with vegetables and beef. Furthermore, we always drink the same soda, a Coca-Cola out of a can, not from a glas or plastic bottle.

The fact that the yuffka is somehow extremely salty makes you feel thirsty quite rapidly; and Since I have been studing in Heidelberg, it has become a costum for me and my friends or I should rather say a habit to open our Cola cans simultaneaously and try to see the "ghost".
So given the fact that you are extremely thirsty already after a few bites makes you drink the ice cold Cola very fast almost all at once. This, on the other hand, causes some kind of pain in your throat but, on the other hand, also makes you feel "released" and content.

However, I consider the picture everything BUT art. Although the activity of "drinking" is part of our everyday life, we probably don't consider it as something beautifully or something that makes us feel good.
Nevertheless, I like the story the picture tells. Who would have thought that people can get so much satisfaction from only drinking a soda when they are thirsty?!

google earth link

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