Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scrapbook Entry 6: NBA TV


This picture was made in our dorm on campus last semester. As one can see it depicts a photograph of a TV screen that was broadcasting a NBA basketball match. To be more precise one can see Lebron James, a superstar of the Cleveland Cavaliers. As an important information one should know that my friends and I are great NBA fans who try to follow the events that happen in the NBA daily. So the reason why I took this picture was to make my friends in Germany jealous because I have the rare opportunity here in the States to watch NBA games live on television without getting up in the middle of the night, as my friends in Germany would have to if they wanted to watch one.

Furthermore, one should be aware of the fact that even by purchasing “Pay-TV” in Germany, it would not be possible anymore to watch these games live. This is due to a contract that was made by in 2008 between “Premiere”, the German “Pay-TV” station and the NBA. The only way to watch NBA games live from Germany, is via the internet, which in turn requires a fast internet connection to enjoy the game without any further distractions.

google earth link

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