I found this picture on my laptop while I was deleting old folders from my highschool time. I remember that we talked about "Sinnestäuschungen", which might be similar, if translatened, to the topic of "misperception" or "trick of the senses".
As one can see in the picture, grey spots appear in the white crossings. But only in the crossing the eye is trying to focus on, these grey spots seem to disappear.
As I learnt in my art class back in highschool, this work can be traced back to Ludimar Hermann, who discovered in 1870 that such wire frames with strong light-dark contrast cause optical illusions.
Since then, his discovery has been used for information processing in visual systems. The creative aspect about his discovery is that throught little modifications of such a latticework, one can create several astonishing optical effects.
To explain this phenomena, scientists argue that the human eye receptors, which are resposible for the light-dark perception, get stressed too much by two so contrasting elements on a little spot. As a result of the excessive demand on the brain, people see these opitical illusions.
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